Planning for Pregnancy Consultation


90 minute consultation with Beth S. Barbeau, CPM, LM

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Use this appointment to help clarify, guide and inform your most effective route to a healthy pregnancy and child, utilizing a wide range of approaches. Depending on your starting point and interests, topics may include:

Β·      Personalized recommendations for supplementation
Β·      Nutrition and lifestyle suggestions
Β·      Movement
Β·      Naturopathic health care and supplementation
Β·      Resources and referrals

All suggestions generally support maximizing healthy fertility as well. Having a healthy child starts well before birth; the longer your nourishing leading-up to pregnancy is, the more solid ground you and your child will be on health-wise and long-term. Expect to feel encouraged and inspired with a wide range of suggestions and priorities about where to start.  

Start with one appointment; if the natural health lifestyle is very new to you, you may find additional appointments helpful as you learn and integrate new healthy elements.

What this is: Personalized supplemental care, consultation and education with an experienced midwife professional. I strive to provide insightful, nurturing, creative, and naturopathically-oriented health, parenting and midwifery perspectives. I am a Certified Professional Midwife and Midwife licensed by the State of Michigan, with a special interest in nutrition and natural health approaches. Please see my CV on the About page for my full credentials.

What this is not: This is not primary health care, nor care provided by a physician or therapist. There is no prescribing, or billing of insurance. Actual emergencies should be handled with 911. Please review the Medical Disclaimer found via the link at the bottom of each page.

Appointment times are generally daytimes during the week; a number of evening and weekend appointments are available each month. Beth will call to schedule your appointment, usually reaching you within 2 business days of your purchase.

All consultations are available as phone, Zoom, and Facetime; in person may be available if you are local (SE Michigan, USA). If so, indicate your interest in the β€˜comment’ section of your purchase, and when we schedule together we can figure it out.


I serve with expertise in midwifery and natural health, including decades of hands-on experience with families in many capacities.

I’d love to come alongside as you navigate your way through all of life’s stages.

It’s time for thoughtful, personalized, professional support for your health and your life.

Prepare for Postpartum and Your Newborn / Fourth Trimester Consultation
Early Pregnancy / First Trimester Consultation
Healthier Life Integration Consultation
from $60.00
"I'm Pregnant, Now What?" Consultation
Follow-up to any Appointment scheduled within 60 days